
Подсмотрено: девушка установила камеру на кормушку для птиц, и вы захотите это увидеть

Девушке из Мичигана по имени Лиза пришла в голову необычная и интересная идея. Она установила у себя в саду камеру прямо на кормушку для птиц.

Когда птички подлетают, чтобы полакомиться угощением, которое оставляет Лиза, срабатывает датчик движения, а камера фотографирует пернатых. ?

Интересный ракурс

В результате получаются невероятные снимки с изображением кушающих птиц. Порой на фото попадает сразу несколько пернатых, которые могут знатно пощипать друг другу перья в борьбе за еду.

К кормушке прилетают совершенно разные птицы

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And with the latest frost, also. These guys are back in numbers. They are moving so wild and fast that the camera sometimes does funny stuff with things like wings or beaks. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #europeanstarling #starlings #stare #sturnusvulgaris #invasivespecies #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #pocket_nature #pocket_birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Mar 5, 2019 at 8:41pm PST

Лиза быстро поняла, что такую красоту от люде скрывать нельзя, и завела страничку в Инстаграме

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Pensively looking into Tuesday. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #bluejay #bluejays #corvids #bluelove #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #birdwatching #pocket_nature #pocket_birds #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Mar 4, 2019 at 8:53pm PST

А этот крылатый гость горд тем, что ему удалось раздобыть орешек ?

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This Nuthatch looked very proud with the nut bounty. There is a couple here and they always take turns at the feeder. I wonder where their stash is. It’s gotta be huge. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #whitebreastednuthatch #nuthatch #birdlovers #nature #pocket_nature #pocket_birds #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Mar 1, 2019 at 7:45pm PST

Некоторые птицы просто завораживают своей красотой

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How I have missed seeing this crest ? #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #northerncardinal #cardinal #cardinals #joshuahomme #kingoftheyard #red #greathairday #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #pocket_nature #pocket_birds #nature #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 25, 2019 at 7:54pm PST

Иногда на фотографиях появляется все та же пара птиц…

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These lovelies have been very active in the last two days. The nestbox gets a lot of inspections, there are calls all over the yard, and I have seen wing waving too. More signs that spring is slowly approaching, and I cannot wait! #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #easternbluebird #bluebird #bluebirds #eabl #bluelove #pocket_allnature #pocket_nature #pocket_birds #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 21, 2019 at 6:24pm PST

Угощение как раз кстати

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She enjoyed her lunch! #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #redbelliedwoodpecker #woodpecker #woodpeckers #rbw #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #cute #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 18, 2019 at 8:24pm PST

А как вам такие гости?

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Pictured on the right is my favorite Goldfinch. He only has one leg, and I have seen him in worse shape, but he seems to be doing great now ❤️ #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #americangoldfinch #goldfinch #finch #finches #piratebird #oneleg #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #naturephotography #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 14, 2019 at 7:07pm PST


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Yas, girl! #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #mourningdove #dove #doves #borb #birb #yasgirl #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #your_best_birds #pocket_birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 13, 2019 at 9:18pm PST

У этой кормушки Лиза рада видеть всех

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All the Finches that I saw today looked great. That makes me very happy. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #housefinch #finch #finches #americangoldfinch #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #your_best_birds #pocket_birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 13, 2019 at 9:13pm PST

Частенько сюда наведываются птицы даже несмотря на плохие погодные условия

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Despite the snow storm, it was such a lovely day today. After a week of not feeding them, they still came back ? Oh, and I will soon offer on demand individual photo prints in my Etsy shop. If you would like a print of a bird, shoot me a message here or on tumblr or per email or on Etsy. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #bluejay #bluejays #bluelove #corvids #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #your_best_birds #pocket_birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 13, 2019 at 9:08pm PST


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More from the vault, and these get me into the mood for spring ? #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #baltimoreorioles #baltimoreoriole #oriole #orioles #orchardoriole #orange #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #fromthevault #birdlovers #nature #thinkingofspring #spring #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 10, 2019 at 6:43pm PST

Кажется, сейчас разгорится скандал! ?

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The best part about today was that scenes like this were very rare. The flock of Starlings seems to have moved on. It was like the whole yard was breathing a sigh of relief. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #mourningdove #dove #doves #borb #birb #EuropeanStarling #Starling #stare #sturnusvulgaris #invasive #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 3, 2019 at 7:03pm PST

Удалось достать что-то вкусненькое

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Such a pretty lady with all the red details. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #northerncardinal #cardinal #cardinals #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Feb 1, 2019 at 7:30pm PST

Надо делиться, ребята! Тут на всех хватит ?

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The birds had lots to say today. #birdstagram #birdsofinstagram #easternbluebird #bluebird #bluebirds #bluejay #bluejays #corvids #bluelove #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdlovers #nature #birding #birdwatching #yearofthebird #vote #birdphotography #birdphotobooth #birdphotobooth2

A post shared by Ostdrossel (@ostdrossel) on Nov 1, 2018 at 7:17pm PDT

И кто знает, какими удивительными кадрами поделится с нами Лиза еще через несколько месяцев?)

ЧИТАТЬ ТАКЖЕ:  Неуклюжие и забавные: 10 нелепых фото собак
